Advocacy Efforts Carried Out by TotalEnergies

Advocacy Efforts Carried Out by TotalEnergies
Advocacy Efforts Carried Out by TotalEnergies
EU Institutions
United States
Advocacy actions conducted in France – declaration to the French HATVP register (Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique) (links in French only)*
Renewable energies
Promote the inclusion of renewable energies in energy programming projects for the ecological transition in overseas France
Renewable Energy Acceleration Bill: Alerting the public authorities to the delays and complexity of the procedures for implementing renewable energy projects
Drawing the Government’s attention to the growth potential of onshore wind power if certain constraints could be reassessed with the industry, in particular interference with radar
Offshore wind energy: promoting the development of a mechanism for auctioning the award of maritime concessions for future projects, in particular for multi-site tenders
Drawing the public authorities’ attention to the complexity of the procedures for participating in offshore wind projects
Renewable Energy Acceleration Act, implementing decree concerning agrivoltaics: raising the government’s awareness of the challenges of land occupation and value sharing with the agricultural world
Draw the Government’s attention to the growth potential of onshore wind power if certain constraints could be reassessed with the industry, in particular interference with radar
Promote the development of renewable energy projects locally in France
Facilitate the planning of renewable energy projects
Encourage the deployment of agrivoltaic projects in France
Accelerate the development of renewable energies in mainland France and in areas not interconnected to the French metropolitan electricity network
Promote the acceleration of onshore electric renewable energies in France
Renewable Energy Bill – Alert the public authorities to the length of time it takes to obtain approval and to the complexity of the procedures involved in implementing renewable energy projects in France
Introduce financial aid to accelerate the deployment of self-consumption solar panel installations for private individuals
Raise awareness among the French authorities of the interest for an intergovernmental framework agreement to enable the development of a wind power project with an installed capacity of 1 GW in Kazakhstan
Adapt the definition of artificialisation to the specific characteristics of renewable energies and allow photovoltaic power plants to be built on artificialised sites in municipalities subject to the Coastlines Act
Encourage the renewal of hydroelectric concessions
Adapt the definition of artificialisation to the specific characteristics of renewable energies and allow photovoltaic power plants to be built on artificialised sites in municipalities subject to the Coastlines Act
Introduce financial aid to accelerate the deployment of solar panel installations for private individuals
Accelerate the development of renewable energies in mainland France and in areas not interconnected to the French metropolitan electricity network
Alert the public authorities to the length of time it takes to obtain approval and the complexity of the procedures involved in executing renewable energy projects: solar and wind power in France
Introduce financial aid to accelerate the deployment of self-consumption solar panel installations for private individuals: Finance Law for 2021
Promote the development of agrivoltaics in France
Encourage the renewal of hydroelectric concessions
Encourage the renewal of hydroelectric concessions
ESSOC - PACTE - Finances2019 Bills: Encourage the development of renewable energies and individual photovoltaic self-consumption in France
Remote display decree: Call for the implementation of the provision set out in the Law on Energy Transition and Green Growth
Continue to take the carbon footprint into account in calls for tenders in the solar sector
Information on the development of solar energy in France within the framework of the PPE and the national low-carbon strategy, and on the industrial spin-offs for the French industry
Energy saving
Drawing the public authorities’ attention to the consequences of doubling the objectives of the CEE scheme for 2025 and contributing to the development of the objectives for the sixth period 2026-29
Raise awareness among the public authorities of the control requirements to be met by obligated parties, as set out in the Order of September 2021 on the Energy Savings Certificates scheme, to make them realistic and progressive
Ensure that the control requirements for obligated parties, as set out in the Order of September 2021 on Energy Savings Certificates, are realistic and progressive
Climate-Resilience Law: anticipate dematerialisation of Energy Savings Certificate (ESC) applications and extend the ESC scheme to all suppliers in the non-residential sector
C-R Law / Deliberation from the CRE (French Energy Regulatory Commission) on regulated electricity tariffs (TRVEs): include all the calculation costs in the TRVEs and create a separate component to the Energy Savings Certificates
Climate-Resilience Law: specify that cancellation of disputed Energy Saving Certificates concerns the people behind the fraud
Anticipate the introduction of new Energy Saving Certificate (ESC) targets to limit the impact on consumers’ energy bills: Consultation on the 5th ESC period
“Advenir 2” Energy Saving Certificate programme: as a funder of the programme, contribute to the definition to the criteria for awarding subsidies for the installation of new electric charging points
Contribute to the development of the objectives of the Energy Savings Certificates programme for the 5th period (2022-2025), based on the evaluation of the 4th period (2018-2021)
Extend the 4th period of the Energy Saving Certificates by one year, and develop its regulatory aspects so that the targets remain consistent with the nation’s ability to achieve them
Review the way in which Energy Saving Certificates are taken into account in fuel price structures in the French Overseas Departments
Review the way in which Energy Saving Certificates are taken into account in fuel price structures in the French Overseas Departments
Develop the regulatory framework for Energy Saving Certificates to ensure that the 4th period targets remain consistent with the nation’s ability to achieve them
Electricity supply & market
Provide for the implementation of transparent nuclear regulation in the future, enabling all consumers to benefit, regardless of their supplier
Compensate suppliers for the additional costs generated by tariff shields
Include all calculation costs in regulated electricity tariffs (TRVE)
PLF24: Framework for updating the modification of the mechanism for reallocating the price supplement for regulated access to historical nuclear energy (ARENH)
Promote measures to facilitate the development of Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs) in the Green Industries Bill
Open up the possibility of signing Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPA) in non-interconnected zones
Defending a liberalised market with limited regulation of regulated electricity sales tariffs and advocating one-off, temporary consumer protection measures
Post-ARENH: Raising the Government's awareness of a mechanism to ensure a level playing field in the future implementation of regulations
Reform of the European electricity market : Raising the government's awareness of the need to maintain a functioning wholesale market and enable suppliers to be supplied through long-term purchases
Ensure the long-term viability of the capacity mechanism needed to ensure security of electricity supply and transform its architecture into a centralised auction mechanism
Set up public support schemes to monitor electricity consumption in the residential sector
Modify the arrangements for consumers to access their electricity consumption data via the Linky meter
Encourage acceleration of the introduction of a tariff shield applied to the price of electricity charged to customers at electric vehicle charging points
Compensate suppliers for the additional costs generated by tariff shields
Extend the base of beneficiaries and the amount of the energy voucher budget
https :// ?organisation=442395448#&fiche=YVIKEQ9H
Amending Finance Law for 2022: compensate electricity suppliers for the costs of capping regulated electricity tariffs for business consumers
https :// ?organisation=442395448#&fiche=O3W81W0V
Anticipate the introduction of transparent regulation of historical nuclear power, enabling all consumers to benefit, regardless of their supplier
https :// ?organisation=442395448#&fiche=YVIKEJZH
Deliberation from the CRE (French Energy Regulatory Commission) on regulated electricity tariffs (TRVEs) / Purchasing Power Bill: include all calculation costs in TRVEs
https :// ?organisation=442395448#&fiche=GVTUWY23
Allow state-approved organisations to sign electricity purchase obligation contracts for residential self-consumption projects
Give suppliers access to the non-personal data of professionals benefiting from regulated electricity sales tariffs when these tariffs are abolished
https :// ?organisation=442395448#&fiche=O3WXEZNH
Adapt the V4 rules of the capacity mechanism necessary for security of electricity supply
Climate-Resilience Law: change the rules governing consumer access to their electricity consumption data via the Linky meter
Climate-Resilience Law: introduce public support schemes to monitor electricity consumption in the residential sector via open windows
Amending Finance Law for 2021: extend the base of energy voucher beneficiaries
Anticipate the introduction of transparent regulation of historical nuclear power, enabling all consumers to benefit, regardless of their supplier
Ensure the long-term viability of the capacity mechanism needed to ensure security of electricity supply and transform its architecture into a centralised auction mechanism
Increase the transparency of green electricity offers for consumers: discussions on ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency)’s green offer label
Create a legal framework for controlling electricity consumption by giving consumers easier access to their data via the Linky meter and by providing appropriate public support
Extend the base of beneficiaries and the amount of the energy voucher budget: Finance Law for 2021
Historical nuclear power: anticipate the introduction of a future nuclear power regulation accessible to all consumers, regardless of their supplier, and raise the ARENH ceiling to 150 TWh
Energy-Climate Bill: Promote the development of electricity consumption monitoring in the residential sector
Energy-Climate Bill: raise the ceiling for ARNEH (French regulated access to historical nuclear electricity) to 200 TWh and update its calculation methodology
Deliberation from the CRE (French Energy Regulatory Commission) on regulated electricity tariffs (TRVEs): include all costs related to electricity supply in the methodology for calculating TRVEs
PACTE Bill / Draft decree on ARNEH (French regulated access to historical nuclear electricity): raise the ARENH ceiling to 150 TWh and preserve the procedures of the existing windows
PACTE Bill: Improve access to Linky meter data
Deliberation from the CRE (French Energy Regulatory Commission) on regulated electricity tariffs (TRVEs): include all costs related to electricity supply in the methodology for calculating TRVEs
PACTE Bill: Set up a supplier of last resort for the supply of electricity and gas
PACTE Bill: provide for an amount to be paid by incumbent suppliers when the regulated electricity and gas sales tariffs come to an end for customers who have not switched to a market offer
Information on the conversion and sources of supply for the Provence refinery as part of an application for an operating license
PJL end of hydrocarbon exploration and production: improving access to electricity consumption data from Linky meters for residential consumers
Decree/decree displaying electricity consumption data: speed up publication of regulatory texts and define the technical specifications required to display data in real time
PJL ESSOC / PLF 2018: simplify procedures relating to contracting, the obligation to purchase and the financing of residential self-consumption projects
An initiative aimed at clarifying the scope of application of the exemption from the contribution to the public electricity service (CSPE) to self-consumption situations
PLF 2018: compensate energy suppliers' management costs for their public service mission relating to the energy voucher
Electric Vehicles Charging
Provide electricity suppliers with access to electric vehicle battery data, necessary for the development of recharging control services
Obtaining support from the French authorities for the development of electric charging projects with local authorities for passenger vehicles and charging on-the-go for heavy goods vehicles
Drawing the public authorities’ attention to the need for electric truck recharging outside depots and subsidies for electric recharging infrastructure for heavy goods vehicles
Raising public authorities’ awareness of the need to improve tendering mechanisms to ensure mass deployment of public electric charging points across the country
Improve subsidy mechanisms to ensure wider deployment of fast, high-power electric charging stations, in France
Stimulus plan: improve subsidy mechanisms to ensure wider deployment of fast, high-power electric charging stations, in France
Raise awareness among local authorities of the need to roll out a network of high-power charging points for electric vehicles, and improve subsidy schemes to encourage their development
Batteries & storage solutions
Raise awareness among public authorities of the Company’s ability to supply innovative Li-ion back-up battery technologies for data centers
Support the export of batteries produced in our French factories and intended for the space sector
Provide electricity suppliers with access to electric vehicle battery data, which is needed to develop charge monitoring services
Within the context of the procedure for adopting the draft Commission Regulation on batteries, present the experience gained with the Directive currently in force, which is due to expire soon
Set up, with the BPI (French Public Investment Bank) and the Nouvelle Aquitaine and Hauts-de-France regions, financial support for the ACC (Automotive Cells Company) joint venture, which has been granted IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) status by the European Commission
Obtain IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) status from the European Commission for the ACC (Automotive Cells Company) joint venture project (to be created by Saft and partners) with 17 other EU companies in the battery industry
Information on the technological potential of batteries and the possibilities of maintaining and developing an industrial sector in France
PJL end of hydrocarbon exploration and production: limit to storage operators the creation of additional stocks necessary for the security of gas supply
Gas & biogas
Supporting decarbonization solutions for combined-cycle gas turbines
Encouraging the simplification of procedures to speed up the production launch of an FLNG terminal in Le Havre and help tackle the energy crisis
Promoting the development of biomethane in France and, more broadly, the development of a European industrial sector, including incentives to remove digestate from waste status
2024 Finance Bill: making the Government aware of the usefulness of CCGTs for producing controllable energy and removing them from the scope of the contribution on inframarginal income (CRI – contribution sur la rente inframarginale)
EU regulation to reduce methane emissions: raising the government’s awareness of the benefits of a phased approach, based on international initiatives, with a view to concluding equivalence agreements
Drawing public authorities’ attention to the challenges and solutions of LNG supply, in strict compliance with European sanctions
2024 Finance Bill: Enabling biogas to be eligible for the Tiruert mechanism as part of the decarbonisation of road transport
2024 Finance Bill: Drawing the public authorities’ attention to the conditions for including the contribution made by non-subsidised biogas to achieving the Tiruert short- and medium-term objectives (Red3)
Drawing the attention of public authorities to the conditions that will encourage the emergence of the use of hydrogen for heavy mobility
Promote the development of biomethane in France and, more broadly, of a European industrial sector, including incentives to remove digestate from waste status
Support solutions to decarbonise combined gas cycles
Supplementary Finance Bill 2022: as part of the extension of the freeze on regulated gas sales tariffs, give suppliers extra time to declare losses linked to the freeze
Finance Bill 2023: establish a framework for capping inframarginal income from combined-cycle gas turbines
Purchasing Power Bill: Establish a framework for the suspension and requisition of combined-cycle gas turbines
Purchasing Power Bill – Encourage simplification of procedures to speed up the start-up of a floating LNG terminal in Le Havre given the severity of the energy crisis
Following the conflict in Ukraine, raise awareness among the French authorities of the challenges and solutions involved in supplying LNG, in strict compliance with European rules and sanctions
Raise awareness among French and European authorities of a development project in Mozambique
Export guarantees – Draw the attention of the public authorities to requests for export guarantees from Bpifrance for the development of liquefied natural gas projects
Decree on biomethane production certificates: provide for exemption from the obligation for combined-cycle gas power plants
Energy Code: amend the regulations to allow biogas production facilities to benefit from guarantees of origin
Finance Law for 2022: compensate gas suppliers for the costs of freezing regulated gas tariffs
Finance Law 2022: regulate contractual changes by gas suppliers benefiting from compensation for their losses during the regulated gas sales tariff freeze
Finance Law 2022: extend the reduction in gas consumption tax (TICGN) for private individuals to business consumers >
Deliberation from the CRE (French Energy Regulatory Commission) on changes to the gas transmission tariff: maintain the interruptibility mechanism for short-notice natural gas transmission
Deliberation from the CRE (French Energy Regulatory Commission) on the gas transmission tariff: provide for exemption from compensation linked to gas storage for combined-cycle gas power plants
Adapt regulations to facilitate the development of marine LNG in French ports as international marine fuel regulations evolve
Decree on interruptibility of gas consumption: adapt the contractualisation of interruptibility for gas-fired power plants to benefit from exemption from compensation linked to gas storage
PACTE Bill: end regulated tariffs for the sale of electricity and natural gas
Support the Energy Regulation Commission’s drive for transparency in setting regulated gas sales tariffs, to ensure that they can be challenged
Position on existing gas storage regulations as part of the bill to end hydrocarbon exploration and production
Green Hydrogen
Ensuring that the regulations governing the use of bio-hydrogen in biorefineries are in line with those currently in force for the use of green hydrogen
Solicit the support of the French authorities for the development of a green hydrogen production project on the La Mède biorefinery site
Ensure that the regulations governing the use of bio-hydrogen in biorefineries are in line with those currently in force for the use of green hydrogen
State Aid – Alert the French authorities to the specific nature of hydrogen production by electrolysis in the context of the method for calculating compensation for indirect costs
Ensure that the regulations governing the use of green hydrogen in biorefineries are in line with current regulations on the use of green hydrogen in conventional refineries
Biofuels & sustainable aviation fuels
Ensuring the eligibility of waste and residues meeting the criteria of the Renewable Energy Directive, to produce sustainable aviation fuels, in French and European regulations
Drawing the government’s attention to the importance of maintaining the incentivising level of the Tiruert tax applicable to sustainable aviation fuels in order to ensure their incorporation in France
Ensure the eligibility of waste and residues that meet the criteria of the Renewables Directive, for the production of sustainable aviation fuels, in French and European regulations
Ensure the eligibility of waste and residues that meet the criteria of the Renewables Directive for the production of sustainable aviation fuels, in French and European regulations
Increase the percentage of biofuels to be incorporated into diesel to bring it into line with petrol (Finance Bill)
Lower the threshold for collecting used cooking oil from businesses in order to increase volumes and set up a recycling network to produce biofuels
Reintroduce identical taxation for all biofuels produced from all types of vegetable oil (Finance Bill)
Reintroduce identical taxation for all biofuels produced from all types of vegetable oil in the 2020 Finance Bill
Clarify the residue status of PFAD (Palm Fatty Acid Distillate) used to supply a biorefinery in the circular economy
Maintain the taxation applicable to biofuels produced from all types of vegetable oil
Clarify taxation for biofuel feedstocks
Amend a provision of the General Customs Code so that B10 biodiesel benefits from a partial tax refund scheme equivalent to that applicable to B7 biodiesel
Proposals to regulate the use of bio-methane in mobility
Raising awareness of the impact of amendments to the 2018 Finance Bill aimed at excluding certain biofuels from the scope of application of the general tax on polluting activities
Bioplastics & recycling
Asking the French government to lobby the European institutions for a “mass balance” model that would enable the development of a chemical plastics recycling industry
Defend the use of bioplastics in regulations on packaging and packaging waste
Solicit government support for the establishment of a PLA (polylactic acid) plant, a biosourced and biodegradable bioplastic, within the context of the conversion of the Grandpuits refinery into a zero oil platform
Circular Economy Law: increase the obligations to collect, sort and recycle plastics in order to generate a sufficient quantity of material for the development of a recycling industry
Explain the industrial challenges of recycling for the petrochemical industry as part of the preparation of the anti-waste bill for a circular economy
Introduce more efficient collection and sorting of plastic waste from local authorities in order to increase the volumes of plastic to be recycled by our industrial recycling plants
2024 Finance Bill: Explaining refining profitability issues in order to promote the sector’s competitiveness in France
Supplementary Finance Bill for 2022 – Explain how the refining margin is calculated in order to safeguard the competitiveness of this sector in France
2021 Finance Bill – Domestic consumption taxes: maintain exemptions for products used in refineries to keep French refining competitive
Environment Code: amend Articles R.515-117 to R.515-121 to make French industrial platforms more competitive with those in Europe
Environment Code: amend Articles L.121-8 and R.121-2 to facilitate the conversion of industrial sites already subject to the rules applicable to classified facilities
Export guarantees: draw the attention of the public authorities to current and future requests for export guarantees from Bpifrance for oil and gas projects
2021 Finance Bill – Export guarantees: maintain the State’s ability to grant guarantees for oil and gas projects for a period compatible with a responsible energy transition
Defend Total’s interests in the pipeline divestment process
Remove SAGESS (Société Anonyme de Gestion de Stocks de Sécurité) from the list of miscellaneous central government bodies with borrowing restrictions
Defend Total’s interests in the oil pipeline divestment process
Alert to the consequences of the possible ban on all public support in the form of export guarantees for oil and gas exploration and exploitation projects (2020 Finance Bill)
Express Total’s interest in the government’s forthcoming launch of the oil pipeline divestment process
Discuss the general motorway environment and regulatory developments within the context of the modernisation of the service station network
Information on the risks resulting from the bill to put an end to hydrocarbon exploration and production on the maintenance of activity and employment in the Lacq industrial basin
In view of the expiry of the concession contract for a petroleum product transport pipeline, proposed solutions for the future of the facilities
Maintaining interests in mining titles and applications for mining titles in the context of the bill to end hydrocarbon exploration and production
French overseas territories
Promoting the development of renewable energies in New Caledonia
French Guiana MEP: integrating a project to develop a solar plant with guaranteed output into a review of French Guiana’s Multiannual Energy Plan (MEP)
Re-evaluating the distribution margin in the fuel price structure applicable in the department of Mayotte in order to take account of changes in costs and investments
Drawing the attention of the New Caledonian Authorities to the practical and economic implications of the levels of obligation for strategic petroleum stocks
Reassessing the distribution margin in New Caledonia's gas price structure
Revising the fuel price structure in Polynesia to revalue the cost of drums and to take account of the drum-filling activity
Re-evaluating the distribution margin in the fuel price structure applicable in the Réunion department to take account of changes in costs and investment
Revising the LPG price structure in Martinique to take account of investments and costs relating to the Technological Risk Prevention Plan for Antilles Gaz’s industrial facilities
Reassessing the distribution margins of the fuel price structures applicable in Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana to take account of changes in costs and investment
Re-evaluate the distribution margin in the fuel price structure applicable in the department of Mayotte, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Raise awareness among the New Caledonian Authorities of the economic implications of regulatory changes to strategic petroleum product stock obligations in New Caledonia
Revise the LPG price structure in Martinique to take account of investments and costs relating to the Technological Risk Prevention Plan for Antilles Gaz’s industrial facilities
Revise the fuel price structure in Polynesia to include a new freight formula and an annual adjustment formula for petroleum product premiums
French Guiana MEP: include a project to develop a solar plant with guaranteed output as part of a review of French Guiana’s multiannual energy programme (MEP)
Revise the LPG price structure in Martinique to take account of investments and costs relating to the Technological Risk Prevention Plan for Antilles Gaz’s industrial facilities
Re-evaluate the distribution margin in the fuel price structure applicable in the department of Mayotte, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Raise awareness among the New Caledonian Authorities of the economic implications of regulatory changes to strategic petroleum product stock obligations in New Caledonia
Re-evaluate the wholesale margin in the fuel price structure applicable in the French departments of America, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Re-evaluate the wholesale margin in the fuel price structure applicable in Martinique and Guadeloupe, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Raise awareness among the New Caledonian Authorities of the economic implications of regulatory changes to strategic petroleum product stock obligations in New Caledonia
Promote the development of photovoltaic energy with storage in French Guiana
Inform the Authorities about Total’s activities in Mayotte and discuss the fuel price structure, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Include a project to develop a solar plant with guaranteed output as part of a review of French Guiana’s multiannual energy programme (MEP)
Revise the LPG price structure in Martinique to take account of investments and costs relating to the Technological Risk Prevention Plan for Antilles Gaz’s industrial facilities
Draft decree on the French Guiana MEP (multiannual energy programme) / Enable the development of renewable energies in French Guiana
Re-evaluate the wholesale margin in the fuel price structure applicable in Guadeloupe, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Raise awareness among the New Caledonian Authorities of the implications of regulatory changes to strategic petroleum product stock obligations in New Caledonia
Revise the LPG price structure in Martinique to take account of investments and costs relating to the Technological Risk Prevention Plan for Antilles Gaz’s industrial facilities
Revise the LPG price structure in Martinique to take account of investments and costs relating to the Technological Risk Prevention Plan for the SARA refinery and for Antilles Gaz
Raise awareness among the Authorities of the regulatory framework for strategic petroleum product stock obligations in New Caledonia
Re-evaluate the retail margin in the fuel price structure applicable in Mayotte, to take account of changes in costs and investments
Information from the Prefect on Total's activities in the Réunion department and discussion of development prospects
Preparation of the agreement between hydrocarbon product import professionals and the French Polynesian authorities
Promoting open competition in the energy transition
Nominate by mail TotalEnergies representatives to the Regional Energy Committees (Comités Régionaux de l'Energie)
Draw the attention of the President of the Senate to the mission and composition of a commission of inquiry into the strategy of a private company and the associated risks of conflicts of interest
Overhaul of the SRI label: Promoting the introduction of specific provisions for energy companies that also invest in renewable energies and can demonstrate a genuine transition plan
Drawing the public authorities’ attention to the consequences of authorising CO2 storage in the Lacq basin
Solicit the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region to encourage small businesses to set up in the Lacq basin
Enable Company management representatives sitting on the supervisory boards of mutual investment funds to take part in deliberations and votes on resolutions submitted to mixed general meetings (PACTE Law)
* The French version shall prevail for the HATVP actions titles
Advocacy actions towards EU institutions, including contributions to European Commission’s public consultations and roadmaps*
- Renewable energies
- Gas & biogas
- Carbon removal
- Biofuels & sustainable aviation fuels
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Other
Renewable energies
Participation in the European Commission's consultation on auction design elements for renewable energy projects
Participation in the European Commission's consultation on a recommendation to promote the development of innovative forms of solar energy deployment
Participation in the European Commission's consultation on renewable energies - guidance on the designation of renewable energy acceleration zones
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to renewable energy projects – permit-granting processes & power-purchase agreements
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to EU solar energy strategy
Discussions on the Fit-for-55 text for the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED): TotalEnergies supports provisions linked to strengthening the objectives of deploying renewable energies, particularly in the transport sector
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to EU Green Deal- Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001éponse_TotalEnergies_EU_Green_Deal_Revision_of_Renewable_Energy_Directive_2018_2001.pdf
Gas & biogas
Participation in the European Commission's consultation on market requirements for long-term gas products within the framework of a permanent demand aggregation and joint purchasing mechanism
Discussions on the RePowerEU text: TotalEnergies promotes the role of the Company and biomethane in European Union’s security of supply
Discussions with the European authorities on the AggregateEU measures to improve the operation of the European gas platform
Discussions on the Hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package: TotalEnergies promotes the deployment of biomethane and hydrogen in order to decarbonize European industry
Participation in the European Commission's roadmap related to gas networks – revision of EU rules on market accesséponse_TotalEnergies_Gas_networks_revision_of_the_EU_rules_on_market_access.pdf
Carbon removal
Participation in the European Commission's consultation on climate change - new rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to Industrial carbon management – carbon capture, utilisation and storage deployment
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to certification of carbon removals – EU rules
Participation in the European Commission's roadmap related to FuelEU Maritime / CO2 emissions from shipping – encouraging the use of low-carbon fuels
Participation in the European Commission's roadmap related to EU Green Deal CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)
Biofuels & sustainable aviation fuels
Discussions on the Fit-for-55 text for the FuelEU Maritime: TotalEnergies promotes the decarbonization of maritime transport by highlighting the role of biofuels
Discussions on the Fit-for-55 text for the ReFuelEU Aviation: TotalEnergies supports the development of SAF via the introduction of a European-level incorporation mandate and an RFNBO sub-mandate
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) – ReFuelEU Aviation
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to Low-emission vehicles / revision of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFIR) – improving the EU’s refuelling/recharging infrastructureéponse_Total_Energies_AFIR.pdf
Greenhouse gas emissions
Follow-up to the text on CO2 emissions from heavy goods vehicles, in particular on the role of biomethane as a complement to electrification and the switch to hydrogen for truck fleets
Follow-up on proposed regulations on the Net Zero Industrial Act, in particular on CCS and the inclusion of SAF in Net Zero technologies
Follow-up of the text on reducing methane emissions, in particular constraints on LNG imports, by proposing a graduated approach to constraints and drawing on recognized international initiatives (Global Methane Pledge, Oil & Gas Methane Partnership 2.0, International Methane Emissions Observatory)
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to transport emissions – ‘CountEmissions EU’
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to climate change – new rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to climate change – updating the EU emissions trading system (ETS)éponse_Total_Energies_20_01_2020_consultation_Climate_Change_updating_EU_emissions_trading_system.pdf
Participation in the European Commission's roadmap related to energy efficiency directive (EED) – evaluation and review
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to Industrial Emissions Directive - evaluating the EU rules
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to revising the rules for free allocation in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)
Response to the European Commission's questionnaire on the future of alternative fuels for heavy vehicles and the corresponding infrastructure needs
Response to the European Commission's questionnaire on the usability of business KPIs in the European taxonomy
Discussions on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: TotalEnergies promotes the establishment of homogeneous reporting criteria with the ISSB
Participation in the European Commission's consultation related to EU Green Deal – Revision of the Energy Taxation directive – Public consultationéponse_Total_Energies_Revision_of_the_Energy_Taxation_Directive_Public_Consultation.pdf
Participation in the European Commission's roadmap related to Chemicals – strategy for sustainability (toxic-free EU environment)
Participation in the European Commission's roadmap related to Revision of the Energy Tax Directive / EU Green Deal – Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive
* The English version shall prevail for the titles applicable to TotalEnergies' answers to EU institutions consultations and roadmaps
Advocacy actions carried out in the United States and published on the US Senate website
LNG DOE permitting with respect to extensions or authorizations to non-FTA export permits. General regulatory framework applicable to LNG projects.
Renewables Regulatory implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including federal incentives (all tax provisions) and DOE grant opportunities.
R&C RFS: IRA provisions related to biofuels.
Conventional Oil/Gas Legislative and regulatory provisions on transparency/disclosures for GHG emissions/offshore discharges.
Regulatory framework on Carbon Capture/Storage.
Hydrogen Impacts of regulations H2 development/implementation, such as H2 programs, 45V production tax credit, and LCA methodology.
Biogas Renewal of the IRAs ITC beyond 2024 for biogas projects.
The amount of interest representation expenses reported for the fourth quarter of 2024 is $160,000.
LNG DOE permitting with respect to extensions or authorizations to non-FTA export permits.
General regulatory framework applicable to LNG projects.
Renewables Regulatory implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including federal incentives (all tax provisions) and DOE grant opportunities.
R&C RFS: IRA provisions related to biofuels.
Conventional Oil/Gas Legislative and regulatory provisions on transparency/disclosures for GHG emissions/offshore discharges.
Regulatory framework on Carbon Capture/Storage.
Hydrogen Impacts of regulations H2 development/implementation, such as H2 programs, 45V production tax credit, and LCA methodology.
Biogas Renewal of the IRAs ITC beyond 2024 for biogas projects.
The amount of interest representation expenses reported for the third quarter of 2024 is $140,000.
LNG DOE permitting with respect to extensions or authorizations to non-FTA export permits.
General regulatory framework applicable to LNG projects.
Renewables Regulatory implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including federal incentives (all tax provisions) and DOE grant opportunities.
R&C RFS: IRA provisions related to biofuels.
Conventional Oil/Gas Legislative and regulatory provisions on transparency/disclosures for GHG emissions/offshore discharges.
Regulatory framework on Carbon Capture/Storage.
Hydrogen Impacts of regulations H2 development/implementation, such as H2 programs, 45V production tax credit, and LCA methodology.
Biogas Renewal of the IRAs ITC beyond 2024 for biogas projects.
The amount of advocacy expenses reported for the second quarter of 2024 is $80,000.
LNG DOE permitting with respect to extensions or authorizations to non-FTA export permits
General regulatory framework applicable to LNG projects
Renewables Regulatory implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) including federal incentives (all tax provisions) and DOE grant opportunities
R&C RFS: IRA provisions related to biofuels
Conventional Oil/Gas Legislative and regulatory provisions on transparency/disclosures for GHG emissions/offshore discharges
Regulatory framework on Carbon Capture/Storage
Hydrogen Impacts of regulations H2 development/implementation, such as H2 programs, 45V production tax credit, and LCA methodology
Biogas Renewal of the IRAs ITC beyond 2024 for biogas projects
The amount of advocacy expenses reported for the first quarter of 2024 is $120,000.
Climate Change
November: On the occasion of COP29, TotalEnergies and Oil India Limited are joining forces to conduct methane emission detection and measurement campaigns using a unique technology proposed by TotalEnergies, AUSEA.
November: As part of its ambition to achieve near-zero methane emissions by 2030, TotalEnergies is deploying continuous, real-time methane emissions detection equipment on all its operated Upstream assets
November: On the occasion of COP29, the OGDC (Oil & Gas Decarbonization Charter) published its first status report, serving as a basis for setting priorities and measuring progress in terms of emissions reductions for the 54 signatory oil and gas companies, including TotalEnergies. In particular, the OGDC survey found that the majority of signatories are already aligned with the Charter's ambitions, namely to achieve carbon neutrality in their operations by 2050, aim for near-zero methane emissions and eliminate routine flaring by 2030
As co-chairman of the OGDC, Patrick Pouyanné looks back on this milestone here, and reaffirms TotalEnergies' commitment to helping set the industry on the path to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.
May: TotalEnergies takes action to provide 100 million people in Africa and India with access to clean cooking by 2030 at the IEA Summit on the subject
February: Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding establishing the Franco-Emirati Bilateral Investment Platform for the Climate, launched in particular by TotalEnergies, to enable investors from both countries to accelerate the deployment of joint projects and investments of common interest in the field of clean energy, with a particular focus on decarbonizing so-called difficult sectors.
December: TotalEnergies’ CEO backs an international pledge, led by the UAE COP28 Presidency and supported by at least 118 countries, to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030
December: On the occasion of COP28, TotalEnergies signs the landmark Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter (OGDC), a global industry Charter dedicated to speeding up climate action and achieving high-scale impact across the oil and gas sectors. Signatories have committed to net-zero operations by 2050 at the latest, and ending routine flaring by 2030, and near-zero upstream methane emissions
December: COP28: TotalEnergies Backs the World Bank’s Global Flaring and Methane Reduction Trust Fund
November: On the occasion of COP28, TotalEnergies signs a pledge with 60 major CEOs of French companies, calling for accelerating the ecological transition (article in French only)
September: TotalEnergies joins the call to action promoting the mobilization of the private sector in favor of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
September: TotalEnergies signed the open letter from over 250+ organisations “calling for a target at COP28 to triple renewable energy capacity to at least 11,000 GW by 2030” initiative launched during the G20 Clean Energy
September: Joint industry letter to European Commissioner Thierry Breton to convey the importance of including renewable fuels technologies, particularly for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), within the scope of the proposed Net Zero Industry Act regulation
April: TotalEnergies contributes to ERT paper “Innovation Made in Europe Setting the foundation for future competitiveness”
October: TotalEnergies joins the "Ecogaz" French initiative, supported by GRTgaz, Terega and ADEME (French Ecological Transition Agency), which encourages virtuous behaviors to control and reduce gas consumption, in particular with regard to heating during winter
October: TotalEnergies joins the "EcoWatt" French citizen initiative, supported by RTE (French electricity transmission system operator) and ADEME (French Ecological Transition Agency), which allows French people, businesses and communities to adopt responsible electricity consumption
October: TotalEnergies joining ERT towards an EU Action Plan for a Digitally Enabled Green Transition
September: Joint letters co-signed by TotalEnergies and Siemens to French President and German Chancellor to advocate for a European Energy Union
July: Letter from TotalEnergies CEO to European Financial Reporting Advisory Group CEO, commenting on the set of draft ESRS issued by EFRAG for public consultation
July: Letter from TotalEnergies CEO to International Sustainability Standards Board Chairman, commenting to draft IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures
June: Letter from TotalEnergies CEO to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman, commenting to the proposed climate change disclosure regulations issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and disclosing TotalEnergies detailed answers to the Proposed Rules
March: Letter from TotalEnergies CEO to commit to at least doubling circularity within the next 10 years and to join PACE (Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy) Community
March: TotalEnergies joins the PACE Community (Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy) and commits to at least doubling circularity within the next 10 years
December: TotalEnergies contributes to ERT paper “Renewing the dynamic of European integration: Single Market Stories by Business Leaders”
November: TotalEnergies contributes to ERT paper “Enablers for investing in hydrogen in Europe”
November: TotalEnergies joins the “H2Zero initiative” along with 27 other companies to accelerate the use of decarbonised hydrogen at COP26
October: WEF/ERT: Open Letter on Sustainability Reporting to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
October: TotalEnergies joins the “Ocean 100 Dialogues” initiative, a science-business platform for ocean stewardship and cross-industry action and a more equitable and sustainable ocean use
September: United Nations Global Compact: TotalEnergies confirms its position as a LEAD Company (highest level of engagement with the UN Global Compact)
September: Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition: Signing the Ambition Statement to accelerate the supply and use of SAF technologies to reach 10% of global jet aviation fuel supply by 2030
July: Joint letter to urge the French Prime minister in accelerating the energy transition, in particular for the use of biomethane in transport
July: Open letter to French Government on priority axes for energy-climate policy to be developed during the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union
July: TotalEnergies and Veolia Join Forces to Develop CO2-based Microalgae Cultivation to Produce Next-generation Biofuels
May: Proposal for binding 2030 EU-level targets to lower the greenhouse gas intensity of gas consumed in Europe and increase the demand for renewable gas via European BioGas Association (EBA) that TotalEnergies is member of
March: CEO Climate Dialogue Urges Biden Administration to Set Ambitious U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in Line with Net Zero Goals
March: Letter from CEO Climate Dialogue to U.S. President Joe Biden Administration to Set Ambitious U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in Line with Net Zero Goals
February: Letter from TotalEnergies CEO to Mr John F. Kerry, USA Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, to applaud U.S. re-entry into the Paris Agreement and seek opportunity to exchange perspectives on the energy transition
January: WEF: TotalEnergies Commitment to Adopt and Implement the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics
January: TotalEnergies Supports ESG Convergence by Committing to Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics
December: TotalEnergies contributes to ERT paper “Making the most of Europe’s Climate Leadership”
October: TotalEnergies joins the Sea Cargo Charter, as Industry giants commit to transparent reporting of shipping emissions
September: United Nations Global Compact: Business leaders (including TotalEnergies) from more than 100 countries pledge support for multilateralism as the United Nations turns 75
September: United Nations Global Compact: TotalEnergies confirms its position as a LEAD Company (highest level of engagement with the UN Global Compact)
August: CEO Climate Dialogue Statement on the America’s Clean Future Fund Act
June: CEO Climate Dialogue Statement on House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Majority Staff Report
February: TotalEnergies contributes to the US Bipartisan Climate Roadmap released by the Climate Leadership Council
December: United for The Paris Agreement: Joint Labor Union and Statement from More than 70 CEOs calling on the United States to remain in the Paris Agreement
November: Letter from TotalEnergies submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) opposing Rollback rules concerning methane emissions
September: Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) announces progress towards methane target and new CCUS initiative to scale up actions towards climate goals during United Nations High-Level Week 2019
September: MEDEF – French Business Climate Pledge of TotalEnergies for 2019
September: United Nations Global Compact: TotalEnergies confirms its position as a LEAD Company (highest level of engagement with the UN Global Compact)
June: Vatican dialogues: TotalEnergies signs two statements on climate
April: European Businesses Pledge Action to Deal with The Urgent Challenges Of The 21st Century
Human Rights
May: TotalEnergies publishes Jean-Christophe Rufin’s report on human rights in Cabo Delgado, together with the action plan decided by the Mozambique LNG project partners
February: Mozambique LNG: TotalEnergies Entrusts Jean-Christophe Rufin with an Independent Mission to Assess the Humanitarian Situation in Cabo Delgado Province
November: TotalEnergies raises awareness among Ugandan public authorities about gender and women's rights within the Tilenga project framework
October: TotalEnergies raises awareness among Mozambique's public authorities, especially in the Cabo Delgado province, about respecting human rights.
February-October: TotalEnergies raises awareness about the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) with public authorities of Mozambique, Myanmar, Uganda and Papua New Guinea.
February: Myanmar – TotalEnergies alerts the European authorities within the context of international sanctions adopted by the European Union at the end of February 2022, including against the national oil and gas company of Myanmar, MOGE, on humanitarian grounds concerning the gas supply to the city of Yangon, in the period preceding the Company's announcement of its withdrawal from its activities in Myanmar in January 2022
May: TotalEnergies sentizised the Uganda’s State on the necessity to respect human rights in favor of the release of a human rights defender detained in jail in Uganda after he took position against the Tilenga/Eacop projects
May: Ahead of demonstrations against Tilenga Eacop projects, TotalEnergies sensitized the public authorities on the necessity to respect human rights and particularly freedom of expression, enabling the demonstrations to eventually take place peacefully
November: TotalEnergies publishes its individual commitments to act4nature international
- English:
- French:
September: TotalEnergies extends its Biodiversity Ambition to Coincide with the Preparation of the United Nations Plan for Biodiversity
July: TotalEnergies signed the Act4Nature biodiversity initiative as part of the Company’s biodiversity ambition
Sustainable Development
November: On the occasion of COP29, TotalEnergies, bp, Equinor and Shell announce that they are investing to contribute to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which aims to ensure that everyone has access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy