Inspection robot controlled in real time from a control room onshore
ARGOS project - autonomous robots for gas and oil sites - presents:
Inspection robot operated from onshore in real time
K5 Complex – November 2021
Gildas Collin
Département R&D
Robotics Deployment
Today, we are at the K5 complex in the Netherlands. We are running a pilot to confirm the possibility to remotely control our robots from onshore.
Its’ a world first because it has never been done before.
Joost Sipkes
Offshore Installation Manager
Having the robots again on my site is an honor and it shows that TEPNL is a forerunner in digital innovation.
Grégoire Audouin
R&D Department
Robotics System architect
These tests are important at this stage of the project, so that we understand all the operational aspects of using the robots for inspection purposes, but maybe, in the future, for maintenance and operation.
Gildas Collin
The main benefit for the operators to remote control these robots is to have a perfect understanding of what’s going on offshore.
Grégoire Audoin
To have, from the robot, an immersive view, and also to facilitate its operation from a central place, such as here, central control room.
Seg Boutkan
Production Engineer
The robot is really easy to drive. It can go upstairs, it can go down, and it has an arm, which is elevated, and there’s a camera on it so you can see. And you can also adapt those cameras with needs you’ll have on the platform.
Joost Sipkes
I was expecting a lot, but what I didn’t expect was the additional cameras, like the infrared, the head detection and the flare camera, which will sense out emissions, leak detection.
Grégoire Audoin
Today, in the tests here, the robots achieved a very good level of fluent remote operation, but also demonstrate the feasibility to program some autonomous missions.
Seg Boutkan
So, you have alternative ways to see what your state of platform is, which is really good.
Joost Sipkes
The results of the tests speak for themselves.
Gildas Collin
I’m very optimistic because we can already confirm that’s working!
Seg Boutkan
I’m really proud that we are doing this. We are exposing the people less and less to the offshore environment.
Gildas Collin
At R&D, we are here to help them to manage this challenge.
Seg Boutkan
That huge potential, we are only at the tip of the iceberg of what a robot can do. It’s a way forward for our industry.
Joost Sipkes
Am I ready to work with robots? Yes, indeed. And I’m very keen on seeing the improvements where it can execute manipulate valves.
Grégoire Audoin
It’s important that TotalEnergies gets involved in the development of the operating room, because, simply, we are the ones to integrate the robots within our industrial control system.