Safety: Engaged Every Day


Safety is more than a priority at Total — it’s a core value that must be shared by everyone, Total employees and contractors alike. We want to be recognized as the industry leader in safety.

To mark the World Day for Safety, Total is publishing a simplified version of the 12 Golden Rules for Safety at Work, the cornerstone of the safety culture shared across the company.

Bernadette Spinoy
We have phrased the Golden Rules as ‘musts’ and ‘must nots.’ The language is more specific and shared by all business lines. The point is to make the Golden Rules easier to understand, buy into, follow and check.
Bernadette Spinoy Senior Vice President, HSE at TotalEnergies

Local, long-term support is being provided for deployment. There’s an instructive video, too, illustrating the 12 Golden Rules.

Watch the video: