In 2015, the first Oil & Gas MOOC developed by the IFP School and supported by Total exceeded all expectations, drawing 21,800 learners from 140 countries, with 28% receiving certificates, four times the average for MOOCs. With more than 12,000 people registered in early March, Total is off to a good start to repeat that performance this year, by giving everyone interested access to this free open online course*.
Available 24/7
The MOOC will run four weeks, from March 14 through April 10, and will feature short English-language videos (subtitled in English or French) that can be downloaded 24/7. The program requires two to three hours of work a week and covers the entire oil and gas value chain. It provides a basic description of the industry's challenges, stakeholders and economics and of how oil and gas are formed and the steps taken to find and produce them. Another sequence will cover how oil and gas are processed into finished products (refining and petrochemicals) and distributed to consumers at the retail level. Student progress is evaluated through fun, interactive games, among other methods. A college education — though not necessarily in the sciences — is recommended to get the most out of the class and earn the certificate of completion. Happy MOOCing!