TotalEnergies in Morocco

In Morocco, we market products and services through our network of service stations and to our business customers. We also generate renewable electricity in the country.

We lead several environmental and community outreach initiatives in the country.

Key figures

the year we first began operating in the country
Company employees in Morocco
the approximate number of our service stations in the country

Our businesses in Morocco

More energies

Renewables & electricity

In Morocco, we are developing a project to build a windfarm in the Tan-Tan region through our affiliate Total Eren.

Specialty, petroleum and bio-based products

Our affiliate Hutchinson has two of its own affiliates in Morocco.

We also operate a lubricant blending plant and two LPG bottling plants in the country.

In terms of logistics, we have several oil depots, and we are shareholders in many companies.

With our customers

BtoB customers

In Morocco, we supply our business customers with solutions designed by our affiliate Hutchinson.

We also retail specialty, petroleum and petrochemical products in the country.


BtoC customers

In Morocco, we have a network of approximately 370 service stations, where we retail our fuel and products, and offer related services. We have equipped around 15 of our service stations with electric charge points.
