TotalEnergies in Argentina

Offshore gas field in Argentina

We are one of the leading gas operators in Argentina. We are also active in the retail sector. We lead several environmental and community outreach initiatives in the country.

Key Figures

the year we first began operating in the country
Company employees in Argentina
our Company’s share of gas production in the country

Our businesses in Argentina

More energies

Renewables & electricity

In Argentina, we generate renewable electricity from wind and solar energy through our affiliate Total Eren.

Gas & green gas

In Argentina, we hold interests in several producing assets, including the CMA-1 concession in Tierra del Fuego and licenses for Aguada Pichana Este (conventional gas) and San Roque in Neuquén.

We also hold an interest in the Fenix project (currently under development).

We also hold interests in several unconventional projects covering the Aguada Pichana Este, Rincón La Ceniza and Aguada San Roque Blocks (currently in production).

Finally, we hold an interest in the TGM gas pipeline.

With our customers

BtoB customers

In Argentina, we supply our business customers with solutions designed by our affiliate Hutchinson. We also retail specialty, petroleum and petrochemical products in the country.


BtoC customers

In Argentina, we market distributed solar solutions to low-income communities.