TotalEnergies’ Board of Directors

TotalEnergies’ Board of Directors

The role of the Board of Directors is in particular to define the strategic orientations of TotalEnergies, with the support of four committees (the Audit Committee, the Governance and Ethics Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategy & CSR Committee). It is composed of 14 directors(1), including 9 independent directors. The Board offers a diverse and synergistic range of experience, nationalities and cultures and takes into account the interests of all the shareholders.

The Board of Directors defines TotalEnergies’ strategic vision and supervises its implementation in accordance with the corporate interest of the Corporation, by taking into consideration the social and environmental challenges of its business activities. Its tasks are described in the rules of procedure of the Board of Directors.

The composition of the Board of Directors reflects the diversity and complementarity of experience, skills, nationalities and cultures that are critical to addressing the interests of all of the Company’s shareholders and stakeholders. As of May 24, 2024, the 14 members of the Board of Directors include 8 male and 6 female directors, with 7 nationalities represented.

Consult the skills of the directors (pdf)

members of the Board of Directors, including 45.5% of women(2)
Board meetings held in 2023
Directors’ average attendance rate at Board meetings in 2023

The members of our Board of Directors(1)

Companies marked with an asterisk are listed companies.

Committees of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is assisted by four committees whose composition and missions are detailed below.

Consult the rules of procedure of these Committees

Directors’ independence

The Board of Directors of TotalEnergies uses the criteria set out in the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code of Listed Corporations to assess directors’ independence. The percentage of independent directors on the Board based on its composition as of December 31, 2023, was 82%(3). The rate of independence within the Board of Directors is higher than that recommended by the AFEP-MEDEF Code, which specifies that at least half of the members of the Board in widely-held companies with no controlling shareholders should be independent.