TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation: Initiatives to Improve Road Safety for Young People Around the World


In line with our Safety value, one of the areas in which our Corporate Foundation is active is road safety. We are determined to help make our roads safer for all users, especially young people. Every year, the TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation spearheads a wide range of actions around the world to reduce the number of victims and thereby contribute to the United Nations SDG Target 3.6. Closer look at “Helmet 4 Life” and the VIA program, two of the Foundation’s standout training and awareness initiatives.

A full year in rolling out “Helmet 4 Life”

The “Helmet 4 Life” initiative is supported by several dozen TotalEnergies affiliates around the world. The aim is to supply 100,000 helmets meeting the most stringent safety standards to two-wheeler drivers in 42 countries across Africa, South America and Asia-Pacific by the end of 2024. This distribution campaign is accompanied by road safety awareness sessions, particularly focused on motorized two-wheelers. “Helmet 4 Life” builds on the “Global Safe & Affordable Helmet Campaign” led by Jean Todt, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety.


helmets already handed out in 34 countries as part of the “Helmet 4 Life” program

In May 2024, around 100 helmets were handed out in Johannesburg, South Africa, marking one year in the program’s roll-out.

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VIA, a road safety education program for and by young people

Deployed worldwide by the TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation, VIA is an education program aimed at improving safety for young people on their way to and from school. It enables young people to speak out on this subject and raises awareness among all members of the educational community. In every participating country, young VIA ambassadors are appointed to analyze existing risks, provide recommendations and implement awareness campaigns. Every year, the VIA Finals are held to select a winning school in each country. During the international final, a panel of experts selects the finalists who will become the program’s international ambassadors for the coming year.


students trained in 28 countries in 2023 as part of the VIA program

Meeting the 2024 VIA ambassadors

The last VIA International Final was held in November 2023. For the 2024 VIA program, the panel of experts chose the students from the CSI Ewart Global School in Chennai, India, as international ambassadors. They were invited to Paris in June 2024.

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