Measuring the carbon intensity of our energy products


For TotalEnergies, the dual challenge of the energy transition is to provide the world with more energy while emitting less CO2. The carbon intensity indicator measures our progress in decarbonizing the energy mix of our sales. But how is carbon intensity measured?

The carbon intensity indicator is calculated by dividing:

The following numerator:

  • Emissions related to the production and processing of energy products used by TotalEnergies' customers, plus
  • Emissions related to the use of energy products by TotalEnergies' customers. Products not intended for combustion such as bitumen, lubricants and plastics are not taken into account. Minus
  • CO2 sequestered by Capture Carbon and Storage (CCS) and natural carbon sinks.

By the following denominator:

  • The amount of energy sold.

The indicator measures the average greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and methane) of a unit of energy sold to our customers across its lifecycle (i.e., Scopes 1+2+3), from production to final use.

It accounts for all the emissions related to our sales of energy products, including those produced by others.