How does a CCGT work?
Find out how combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants generate electricity and contribute to the transition to ever more affordable, available and sustainable energy.

How does a CCGT* work?
- Ambient air is compressed and headed to the combustion chamber.
- Natural gas is injected. At combustion chamber exit, the temperature of the gases is around 1,300°C.
- The expansion of the hot gases triggers the rotation of the gas turbine’s shaft.
- Hot Flue Gases (550°C) are headed to the inlet of a head recovery steam generator.
- The expansion of steam triggers the rotation of the steam turbine’s shaft.
- Low pressure steam condenses through a cooling system and is pumped back to the steam generator at low pressure level.
- The generator produces electricity, 2/3 of which comes from the gas turbine and the remaining third from the steam turbine.
- The electricity generated is fed into the high-voltage grid.
* CCGT: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine.