The role of the Board of Directors is in particular to define the strategic orientations of TotalEnergies, with the support of four committees (the Audit Committee, the Governance and Ethics Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategy & CSR Committee). It is composed of 14 directors(1), including 9 independent directors. The Board offers a diverse and synergistic range of experience, nationalities and cultures and takes into account the interests of all the shareholders.
The Board of Directors defines TotalEnergies’ strategic vision and supervises its implementation in accordance with the corporate interest of the Corporation, by taking into consideration the social and environmental challenges of its business activities. Its tasks are described in the rules of procedure of the Board of Directors.
The composition of the Board of Directors reflects the diversity and complementarity of experience, skills, nationalities and cultures that are critical to addressing the interests of all of the Company’s shareholders and stakeholders. As of May 24, 2024, the 14 members of the Board of Directors include 8 male and 6 female directors, with 7 nationalities represented.
(2) see caption
The members of our Board of Directors(1)
Companies marked with an asterisk are listed companies.

Born on June 24, 1963 (French).
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 29, 2015.
Last reappointment: the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 24, 2024 until 2027.
Chairman of the Strategy & CSR Committee.
Main function: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Born on June 3, 1954 (French).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 28, 2021.
Last reappointment: the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 24, 2024 until 2027.
Independent director. Lead Independent Director. Chairman of the Governance, member of the Compensation Committee and of the Strategy & CSR Committee.
Main function: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Orange*

Born on November 4, 1956 (French).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 13, 2011. Last reappointment: Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 26, 2023 until 2026.
Member of the Audit Committee, of the Governance and Ethics Committee, and of the Strategy & CSR Committee.
Main function: Chairwoman of Sonepar S.A.S. and of Colam Entreprendre SAS
Ms. Coisne-Roquette has a Bachelor’s Degree in English. A lawyer by training, with a French Masters’ in law and a Specialized Law Certificate from the New York bar, she started her career as an attorney in 1981 at the Paris and New York bars, as an associate of Cabinet Sonier & Associés in Paris. In 1984, she became a member of the Board of Directors of Colam Entreprendre, a family holding company that she joined full time in 1988. As Chairwoman of the Board of Colam Entreprendre and the Sonepar Supervisory Board, she consolidated family ownership, reorganized the group structures and strengthened its shareholding base to sustain the group’s growth strategy. Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of Sonepar as of 2002, Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette became Chairwoman of Sonepar S.A.S. in 2016. At the same time, she heads Colam Entreprendre as its Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer. Formerly a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), she served on the Executive Committee of MEDEF (France’s main employers’ association) for 13 years and was Chairwoman of its Tax Commission from 2005 to 2013. She was a member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council from 2013 and 2015 and is currently a director of TotalEnergies SE.

Born on May 5, 1960 (Canadian).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 29, 2019. Last reappointment: Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 25, 2022 until 2025.
Independent director. Member of the Audit Committee.
Main function: Independent director
Ms. Croteau began her career in 1982 as an auditor within the audit firms, today Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, then Deloitte, and she joined Hydro-Québec in 1986 where she held positions of control, of risk management and of financial management of increasing responsibility.
From 2015 to 2018, she held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Hydro-Québec prior to retiring.
A chartered professional accountant since 1984, Ms. Croteau holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and in 2008 was named a Fellow of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Québec in recognition of her contribution to the profession and for her collaboration in the development of Canadian accounting standards for derivatives.
Her functions within Hydro-Québec have enabled her in particular to develop significant expertise in risk management from 2008, as she has been in charge of risk management, responsible for the company's risk portfolio drawn up as part of the annual exercise of the company's long-term strategic planning. In this context, she had in particular to identify, quantify and monitor risk trends and means of mitigation.
Ms. Croteau was also in charge of market risk management activities, and "Middle Office" credit of Hydro-Québec's market activities for energy transactions on Northeast American markets, debt management and management of the company's employee pension fund.
Ms. Croteau has been an independent director of Boralex since 2018, the Chair of the Audit Committee since 2019 and a member of the Investment and Risk Management Committee since 2021. Boralex, listed in Toronto, is a Canadian leader in renewable energies with operations in wind, solar, hydroelectricity and storage. It also has operations in France, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Since June 2019, Ms. Croteau has been a director on the Boards of Québecor inc. and Québecor Média inc. as well as a member of the Human Resources and Corporate Governance Committee and of the Audit and Management Risks Committee since May 2022, when she was also appointed director of the Board of Directors of Vidéotron and member of the Audit and Management Risks Committee. Québecor is a Canadian leader in the telecommunications, entertainment, news media and culture fields.

Born on May 2, 1958 (Australian).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 26, 2017. Last reappointment: Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 26, 2023 until 2026.
Independent director. Chairman of the Compensation Committee and member of the Governance and Ethics Committee.
Main function: Director and Executive Business Advisor
Mr. Cutifani is a Director and Executive Business Advisor after retiring from Anglo American plc. in June 2022. He has more than 47 years of experience in the mining industry in various parts of the world, covering a broad range of products. He was previously the Chief Executive Officer of AngloGold Ashanti Limited. Before joining AngloGold Ashanti, Mr. Cutifani was COO responsible for global nickel business at Vale. Prior to that, he held various management roles at Normandy Group, Sons of Gwalia, Western Mining Corporation, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines and CRA (Rio Tinto).
Mr. Cutifani has a degree in Mining Engineering (with honors) from the University of Wollongong in Australia. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in the United Kingdom.
Mr. Cutifani received an honorary doctorate from the University of Wollongong in Australia in 2013 and an honorary doctorate from Laurentian University in Canada in 2016. Mr. Cutifani is Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

Born on May 18, 1965 (French).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 24, 2024 until 2027.
Independent director.
Main function: Executive Chair (présidente du Directoire), Groupe Keolis
Born in 1965, Marie-Ange Debon is graduate from the French École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) and from the French École Nationale de l'Administration (ENA). She has been Chairwoman of the Keolis Group Executive Board since August 2020. Prior to joining Keolis, she held a number of positions in both the public and private sectors: auditeur, then conseiller référendaire à la Cour des comptes from 1990 to 1994, then directrice générale adjointe at France 3 from 1994 to 1998. She then joined the Thomson/Technicolor group as Deputy CFO, before becoming Corporate Secretary. In 2008, she joined the Suez group as Corporate Secretary and became General Manager of the International Division in 2013, then General Manager for France from 2018 to 2020.

Born on September 14, 1988 (French).
Director representing employees since June 9, 2020, reappointed by the Central Social and Economic Works Council of the Corporation on February 28, 2023 until 2026.
Member of the Audit Committee.
Main function: Employee of TotalEnergies SE*
A graduate of ENSTA Paris engineering school and IFP School, Mr. Garcia-Ivaldi began his career at TotalEnergies in 2012 as an economist on oil and gas projects in Americas region. Between 2015 and 2021, he was a reservoir engineer, serving in a variety of positions in Paris and Lagos (Nigeria). He is currently an economist of new business for TotalEnergies SE. He obtained the “Certificat Administrateur de Sociétés” IFA-Sciences Po. He also completed the “Climate Change: Economics and Governance” training program at the London School of Economics.
Mr. Garcia-Ivaldi was chairman of the Supervisory Board of the TotalEnergies Actionnariat France and TotalEnergies France Capital+ employee shareholding funds from November 9, 2018 to June 17, 2020.

Born on September 13, 1949 (Dutch).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 24, 2016. Last reappointment: Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 25, 2022 until 2025.
Independent director. Chairwoman of the Audit Committee.
Main function: Independent director
Ms. van der Hoeven trained as a teacher, becoming a professor in economic sciences and administration then a school counselor. She subsequently headed the Adult Vocational Education Center in Maastricht for seven years, before leading the Limburg Technology Center. She was a member of the Dutch Parliament, served as Minister of Education, Culture and Science from 2002 to 2007, and was Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands from 2007 to 2010. Ms. van der Hoeven was Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) from September 2011 to August 2015. During this period, she helped to increase the number of members of the Agency and emphasized the close link between climate and energy policy. In September 2015, Ms. van der Hoeven joined the Board of Trustees of Rocky Mountain Institute (USA) and in the spring of 2016, she became a member of the Supervisory Board of Innogy SE (Germany). Ms. van der Hoeven was Vice Chairwoman of the High-level Panel of the European Decarbonisation Pathways Initiative within the European Commission between 2016 and 2018. Since January 2020, she has been a member of the Supervisory Board of COVRA, a privately held Dutch company that serves as the central depository for radioactive waste in the Netherlands.

Born on September 4, 1958 (American).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 28, 2021. Last reappointment: the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 24, 2024 until 2027.
Independent director. Member of the Audit Committee.
Main function: Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia University and Chairman of the Board, MetLife, Inc.*
Mr. Glenn Hubbard obtained in 1983 a PhD in Economics at Harvard University. After graduation, he joined Northwestern University as Assistant Professor of Economics, where he stayed for five years. In 1988 he joined Columbia University, where he continues to teach today. Since then, he has been a visiting professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School as well as The University of Chicago. In 1991, Glenn Hubbard was appointed Deputy Assistant for Tax Policy at the United States Department of the Treasury. In 1993, he joined the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Panel of Economic Advisors, a position he vacated in 2001 when he became Chairman of the United States Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). He also served as Chair of the Economic Policy Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as well as a Member of the White House National Economic Council, National Security Council, and the President’s Council on Science and Technology. He stepped down as Chair of the CEA in 2003, returning to Columbia University. In 2007, he also rejoined the Panel of Economic Advisors for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a position he maintained for 10 years. In 2004, he joined the Boards of Dex Media, KKR Financial Corporation, and Automatic Data Processing (ADP), positions he held for many years. In 2004, he was named Dean of Columbia Business School (Columbia University’s graduate school of business), keeping this position until 2019. In 2007, Glenn Hubbard joined the Board of MetLife, Inc. where he continues to serve today after being named Lead Independent Director in 2017 and Chairman in 2019.

Born on March 20, 1963 (Dutch).
Director representing the employee shareholders since the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 25, 2022 until 2025.
Member of the Strategy & CSR Committee.
Main function: Employee of TotalEnergies*
After obtaining a double degree in information systems and management at the University of Grenoble, Emma de Jonge began her career as a project manager and pre-sales support in the Cap Gémini group in 1987. She joined Elf Aquitaine in 1990, where she held several positions as project manager, buyer and internal consultant in the Refining Distribution IT Department. In 2004, as assistant to the SAP support manager for 150 subsidiaries of Total Marketing & Services, she managed relations with the subsidiaries’ managers and supplier relations.
From 2010, Emma de Jonge worked primarily as a project manager and in change management in international contexts, in the Europe Card Development Department and then in the Governance Department of Total Marketing & Services. In 2017, she continued these activities as Head of Procure to Pay and then as project manager, first within TotalEnergies Global Procurement, and then within TotalEnergies Global Services in 2022.
Furthermore, Emma de Jonge holds the IFA-Science Po Corporate Director Certificate. She is a member of the European Works Council (since 2020) and was an elected member of the Supervisory Board of the TotalEnergies Actionnariat France collective investment fund from 2020 to November 2023.

Born on May 24, 1961 (Brazilian).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 26, 2023 until 2026.
Independent director. Member of the Strategy & CSR Committee since May 24, 2024.
Main function: Independent director
Mrs. Anelise Lara is a chemical engineer with an MSc in Petroleum Engineering and a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from “Université Pierre et Marie Curie,” France. She was also certified in ESG Competent Boards Program, including climate change risks, in 2021. Mrs. Lara has 37 years of experience in the energy industry. In 1986, she joined Petrobras, the most important company in the energy segment in Brazil. She began her career in the Research and Development Center. In 2003, she joined the Exploration and Production Department as General Manager for the Reservoir Team at the corporate level. In 2011, after the first pre-salt discoveries, she was appointed General Manager for pre-salt development projects. Then in 2013, she was invited to become the Director of the Libra Joint Project Team. In 2016, she was appointed as Head of M&A, responsible for a portfolio of more than 40 projects of divestments and strategic partnerships in Brazil and abroad. During this period, Mrs. Lara was also a member of the Company's Investment Committee. In 2019, she was appointed as Chief Executive Officer for Refining, Natural Gas, and Power, responsible for the strategic, risk management, HSE, and operational results of Refining, Gas & Power areas, covering the areas of refining, biofuels, petrochemicals, fertilizers plants, distribution and transportation of natural gas, regas terminals, and thermal power plants. She left Petrobras in January 2021. Mrs. Lara served as President of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) – Brazil Section from 2005 to 2008. She also joined the International Board of SPE from 2014 until 2017 as Regional Director for Latin America and Caribe. She also served as Chair of the Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP) from 2019 to 2021. Mrs. Lara volunteers for the cause of D&I (diversity and inclusion). She is a board member of WILL (Women Leadership in Latin America) and has already mentored many young women interested in working in the energy segment.

Born on June 6, 1950 (French).
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 24, 2016. Last reappointment: Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 25, 2022 until 2025.
Independent director. Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee and of the Strategy & CSR Committee.
Main function: Chairman of the Board of Directors of BNP Paribas*
Mr. Lemierre is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and the École Nationale d’Administration. He also has an undergraduate law degree. Mr. Lemierre held various positions at the French tax authority, including as Head of the Fiscal Legislation Department and Director-General of Taxes. He was then appointed as Cabinet Director at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance before becoming Director of the French Treasury in October 1995. Between 2000 and 2008, he was President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). He became an advisor to the Chairman of BNP Paribas in 2008 and has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of BNP Paribas since December 1, 2014. During his career, Mr. Lemierre has also been a member of the European Monetary Committee (1995-1998), Chairman of the European Union Economic and Financial Committee (1999-2000) and Chairman of the Paris Club (1999-2000). He later became a member of the International Advisory Council of China Investment Corporation (CIC) and the International Advisory Council of China Development Bank (CDB). He is currently Chairman of the Centre d’Études Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII) and a member of the Institute of International Finance (IIF).

Born on April 29, 1961 (German)
Director since the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 26, 2023 until 2026.
Independent director. Member of the Compensation Committee since May 24, 2024.
Main function: Independent director
Mr. Dierk Paskert obtained a PhD in Economics at Münster University in 1990. Having made his first professional steps in Investment Banking with Trinkaus Samuel Montague and West Merchant Bank, he started his industrial career in VEBA Group from 1995 onwards. With VEBA Group focusing entirely on power and gas and turning into E.ON, he became Senior Vice-President for Corporate Development at E. ON AG in 2003. He was inter alia responsible to further internationalize the gas business (Ruhrgas), to integrate the power and gas activities downstream and to develop the first renewable strategy of E.ON. In 2008 he joined the Board of E.ON-Energie and directed the Transmission and Distribution Grid business in Germany, Czech, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. In 2012, he was asked by the German Industry Association to found and manage Resource Alliance, a Joint-Venture of 16 German Industrial Companies focusing on supply of critical raw materials. From 2017 until end of 2022, he was appointed CEO of Encavis AG, a M-Dax listed Independent Power Producer (IPP) from Renewable Energy Sources. He was Member of the Executive Risk Committee. Whilst growing the production portfolio to > 4 GW and focusing on Power Purchase Agreements as well as Traded Markets, he introduced in particular a risk management system coping with the growing merchant exposure of the company in Renewable Energy.

Born on August 14, 1969 (French).
Director representing employees since October 14, 2020, reappointed by the European Works Council (the “SE Committee”), on February 16, 2023 until 2026.
Member of the Compensation Committee.
Main function: Employee of TotalEnergies SE*
Mr. Pobo joined TotalEnergies in 1989 as part of Argedis, the subsidiary responsible for service station management and operations in France, where he held a variety of positions before becoming site director in 1998. In 2013, he became a member of the European Works Council. He was the central union representative for the Marketing & Services Unit of Economic and Employee Interest (UES) from 2014 to 2017, and then for the Upstream/Global Services/Holding Company UES beginning in 2017. He is also the union representative on the Economic and Employee Interest Committee and the Central Economic and Employee Interest Committee. On October 14, 2020, he was appointed by the SE Committee, known as the European Works Committee, to sit on the Board of Directors of TotalEnergies SE as a director representing employees and accordingly resigned from his union responsibilities.