A Corporate Governance that Supports our Ambition

Corporate governance is the way a company is organized, managed and controlled. At TotalEnergies, corporate governance is primarily the responsibility of the Board of Directors and General Management. The Board of Directors, composed of members with a wide variety of backgrounds, ensures that the highest standards of corporate governance are enforced, and refers to the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code of Listed Corporations in this approach. The Board defines the Corporation's strategic orientations, ensures that internal control functions are operating effectively and oversees the quality of the information provided to shareholders and financial markets.

Composition and Operation of Board of Directors

As the decision-making body of the Company, the Board of Directors defines the strategic orientations for TotalEnergies and its businesses and ensures its implementation. It relies on its four committees: the Audit Committee, the Governance and Ethics Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategy & CSR Committee.

General Management: Corporate Governance in Action

Under the responsibility of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Committee is the decision-making body of TotalEnergies. A second body, the Company Performance Management Committee, examines, analyzes and monitors our HSE, financial and business performance.

Directors' Biographies

Profile, experiences and expertises: read the biographies of the members of the Board of Directors and General Management.